MIRA KITARA: May Allah swt grant me patience. For patience there's rewards.

Mira Kitara

Mira Kitara

Friday, May 5, 2017

May Allah swt grant me patience. For patience there's rewards.

Ya Allah oh Ya Allah, for You has given me so many tests in my 24 years of my life. but no other test is greater than You, Ya Allah. 
it has been a week since my heartbreak, and there is no news from him. 
Allah swt showed me how human can change, but He will never change. 
only Allah swt knows how much i love this guy, and only Allah swt knows how hurt i am when he left me. i had a few heartbreaks, but this is just so wow. 
it drives me to Allah swt, made me cry to my Creator countless times, i prayed 5 times per day which i usually don't, i tend to neglect my prayers, tend to forget how thankful i am to Him. for the blessings and some blessings which i don't deserve. Allah swt shows me theres more to life. trust him. tawakkul tawakkul. only for Allah swt, i might be donning hijab. but I'm scared, but in shaa allah, Allah swt my love, will guide me.

dear elfee, if you are ever reading this, I've tried for a week. I guess you just don't love me like u used to. you are different from the first time i met you. just know one thing, i loved you very much. i cherished the memories we created together, the time we spent together. in shaa allah, allah swt makes us cross path each other again should we are meant to be together. 
my heart is still very sore but hopefully Allah swt able to heal it for me.

i regretted everything i have done in the past. I'm a sinner. 
we are all a sinner. 

astarghfiruallah. a reminder to myself love Allah swt before anyone else, for Allah swt love is greater than even a mother. Masyaallah. 

it's friday and we are still living. alhamdullilah. 
guys, hopefully you are otw to masjid for solat jumaat. 
i pray that we all have a good day today. 
May Allah swt bless and protect us all. 

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