wee!! hie hie guys!
hols are HERE!! yippee!!
i mean "is" cuz its a pathatically a day.
yet many hwk are due
so tomo nobody seems to be free to go out wit me so im jus
playng badminton
wit xt n wl
haa okla, lets talk abt the week lately yeah?
yunyi's purse. cute siaks
but met my misses juniors, xinyan, shena n mei fang.
miss u yan n shena!! wah ALOT NOE!! haa. =p
i hope days will be gettin better n better each other.
i wish no pain.
jus love.
and love
and jus pure love.
n some happiness
n freedom
phew. yup2 there's many many TONS MANY hwks to do. sad.
"72 hours is a lot of work to do" said Mr Teo (physic tutor)
diao! i wan fun.
life so unfun.
but met cool frens ah
like yunyi n kirin!
tis week whole day go home wit yunyi
so happy
ok, tata.
got wat to say?
oh ya