MIRA KITARA: January 2009

Mira Kitara

Mira Kitara

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

heyAlign Center guys! haa.. sorry for not updatin after many many decades. haa.
well, life been good for me. everything is smooth. i resigned frm my job at Cavana. n now im here updatin. btw, to all Chinese out there..
its been years i din go out wit my frens, but tis comin fri, im gg out wit xt n wl n azee. wee! watchin "The Wedding Game".. cant wait siaks. hee2.
k hmm..i got sth to share wit u guys, not pic of course, im so freakin lazy ah to upload..take damn long time especially wit tis laptop. next time ya?
wat i learn abt relationship :
(1) important to get parent's blessin
(2) control jealousy
(3) bulidin mutual trust *
(4) spend at max 3times per week.
(5) understandin one another
yeah, tat wat i learn. n well, tat how it works. i stil haven find my Mr Right, but im content of wat i hav. he may not be wat i wish, but im willing to chg him.
ur too perfect.
too perfect for me.
i don wan a perfect person.
i wan an easy-going passionate person.
a person who understand pains n suffers in life
know tat u cant get everything good in tis world.
as ur gal,
im not perfect for u.
im not as perfect as u think.
i now the underworld
do u?
no u don.
cuz u only thinks abt heaven.
n tat u wil neva go to hell
n tat u don care abt it
n u don do to prevent it.
i hope u get wat i tryin to convey.
im not the gal who slaves over a guy.. a gal, cannot say sorry regardless they're right or wrong cuz man wil take advantage of it. paham ?
k enuf, i hate relationship especialyy if in a fightin mood, wat to do? year of ox ma. fightin spirit. k lols. haa.
ok guys, i nid to go. =) tc.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the whole mornin i was on bed, thinkin wat my result wil be like.
n tis is all i can say abt it. =)

i cant say its bad, cuz its not bad
i oso cant say its good, cuz its not good at all!
but at least, i made my mum proud by entering to a JC.

i wasn the first to see my result, it was my sis who quickly snatch frm mr pang, who then look so stunned. haa. =p
tis sun is my last day of work. =( sobx. gonna miss all my workers crew.
quite fun to work there mind u.. haa. serious. CAVANA is a great experience for me. =)
but now is time, to be BACK TO SCH.
many things in life, we cant expect it happens.
so wat i learn in my 4life in PiONEER,
is to neva look around be emotional abt others,
wat is important,
is our own tryin our best to make the best of ourself.

Monday, January 5, 2009

to my person :
I don't want this moment
To ever end
Where everything's nothing, without you
I'd wait here forever just to,
To see you smile
'Cause it's true
I am nothing without you

Through it all
I've made my mistakes
I stumble and fall
But I mean these words

I want you to know
With everything, I won't let this go
These words are my heart and soul
I'll hold onto this moment you know
As I'll bleed my heart out to show
And I won't let go
wow hey readers!!
haa..its been LONG since ive update. i guess some of u r tired of browsin at my blog, lookin at the previous post again..sry bout tat.. well, the reason i don update is, come on, MANY THINGS HAPPEN.

haa, but my life is gd, n i miss many of my frens, but i live happily wit my family n ever after wit him. =D

haa.. yeah.. currently im workin at Cavana jp. do come visit me n i been busy since ive work.. haa. finally im workin, truly . my first day was on 2jan lo.
ppl first day of sch, i first day of work. haa. well, it was great workin there.. though i kena scolded sometyme. =p

true enuf, cavana is halal. i work ther, n i noe. though im e only malay workin ther.. haa. =)
kla, im off to bed then work up for work. 8jan is my day off to poly open house!

i seems to receive many poly invitation, does it ring a bell? hmm..